Sunday, June 7, 2009

weekend attack

So after last weekend's disagreement with my dad, on being considerate when others are sleeping, I vowed to sleep at my house this weekend so I could sleep in with out Friday night after relay for life, i wheel into my house around 12pm. I was excited to check on the house since Elizabeth lane has been closed, its been difficult to swing by as frequently as before. I start my normal routine, check the mail, make sure there are no packages on the front porch, and then check my flowers. I had planted about 60 bulbs this spring and while they had mostly come up, only one had a bud on it. I walk to my one flowering plant and see this beautiful orange tiger lily. I was soo exacted. My first flower from my bulbs. I go in and head on to bed. First thing Saturday morning when I wake up, I throw on clothes and head out to take a picture of my prized lily...only to find this.... deer attack :( at least I got to see my pretty flower once, but I should have taken a midnight picture...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

busy weekend

brad after graduation- yeah my pics are backwards...

after the 45min processional...all 4500-4800 grads were filed in...

before graduation photo antics

the historical arch photo, with the arch cut off

brad and grandmother and his graduation quilt ( and i helped)

mother's day photo op- why im standing like im deformed Im not quite sure...

so finally an update

okay so im a little embarassed that i missed the whole month of april but its been a heck of a month and here is the update in pictures...although totally out of
dad cutting chia pet yard: chia pet yard:

car rolling over 20,000 miles:

Me (no not the cow) trying my hand at being artistic at my grandmother's house:

austic again:

i love the trees at her house, obviously:

sorry about not fliping them ...ya'll will be over for dinner soon and I cant figure it out!

slightly possesed butch walker from my infamous rock and roll weekend:
butch again- i just picked2...there are like 150:

guitar picks that beth and I caught at the BTE concert in birmingham....the other half of the rock and roll weekend: boyfriend...also known as the singer for better than ezra:

"come on baby shake it all night long..."

and again i narrowed it down from many:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

another adam video...i couldnt help myself!!

latest obesession

Okay i do have a embarassment in stating this, but its the truth so why hide it....yes im shamelessly hooked on American idol...much better people this season...and yes im becoming a little obsessed about the rocker guy adam.... and the freakier he gets...the more hooked I get...hence the late night you tube sessions

for example

so he's super cute and a little naughty...

Radio Song

so of course i have to go home and look it up on you does sound familiar, although not on my music radar at all...hmmm guess i need to do some early 90's homework!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

family game night

I guess it says something about my family that im sad when i loose the game :(

Sunday, January 11, 2009

tales from the last lenox expidetion

So all this happened before Christmas, but I am finally getting it together to do a post.
My mom and I take off one saturday for our favorite run in atlanta. Much to my surprise and delightment, while we are on the way to atlanta she mentions the my 3 favorie words, " i need a container." That means a trip to my OCD mecca and 3rd or 4th favorite store ever, the container superstore!! As we are roaming the store to make sure no container was left behind, I ran into an old friend....

Yes, yes, that is the chic-fil-a cow in the container store. After I squealed in delight, I used Karen's favorite quote and took a picture to blog about it. I'm sure that made the cow's day. We did get free milkshake cupons out of it. After that excitement and a couple of unnecessary purchases (not the needed container), we headed to the mall. The normal run, is Macy's, crate and barrel, panini's at the corner bakery and then the shoe store. If i remember correctly we did leave out the eyebrow threading this time, but that usually ends the day. So Crate and barrel went well- got some groovy Christmas decor, panini's were awesome as usual, but there was a little excitement in Macy's. I had good luck shopping- finding a dress for heather's wedding and Christmas party attire but there was also a mariah carey perfume "event going on" so we're walking around and there's a runway...and tables with snacks...kinda creeped me out. No mariah sightings, but as we were walking out, loaded down with packages- there was a bagpiper playing show tunes through macys....i went to get my camera, but I am not nearly as swift as historydiva and the sneaky bagpiper had already wandered I couldn't catch him- I was so disappointed b/c that would have been a nice ending picture for the blog. was a good day :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

skipped a question

31. what made you laugh- listening to mom yell at traffic- "either move or get off the pot" hmm almost but not quite mom

Thursday, January 1, 2009

good little blogger am I

Figured I couldnt have my last post being last year- plus karen said i rarely post .... goes :)

1. Do you like blue cheese? isn't my first choice, but i can tolerate it
2. Have you ever smoked? no- sometimes i feel I'm missing out....jk
3. Do you own a gun? yes-Nerf
4. What flavor of Kool-Aid was your favorite? i was a Capri sun kinda girl
5. Do you get nervous before a doctor appointment? Of course, I'd much rather be the doctor than the patient
6. What do you think of hot dogs? they're good with crescent rolls
7. Favorite Christmas movie? How the Grinch Stole Christmas
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? diet coke
9. Can you do push ups? why would i want to?
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? i wear my white gold loop earrings daily
11. Favorite hobby? shopping
12. Do you have A.D.D.? i have several of those disorders with letters, ocd, add, etc
13. What's one trait you dislike about yourself? im such a lazy bum, and seem to become a pain in the butt very easily
14. Middle name? Anne
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. a- what to wear to work tomorrow
b. do i need to order the matchbox 20 video c. what's the brother up to in Orlando
16. Name 3 beverages you regularly drink? diet coke, water-- nothing else regularly- lemonade maybe
17. Current worry? paying bills, overcoming OCD
18. Favorite place to be? in a hammock- listening to the rain
19. Who will you bring in the New Year with? the divas
20. Where would you like to go? hmm...somewhere to use my passport
21. Name three people who will complete this? no one, since ya'll who read it already completed it
22. Do you own slippers? Yes- the little ballet slipper looking thing
23. What color is your shirt? black, of course
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I wouldn't complain- although i don't own any
25. Can you whistle? wish i could
26. Would you be a pirate? be a pirate- probably not, date a pirate- oh yes
27. What songs do you sing in the shower? just depends on the flavor of the week
28. Favorite Girl's Name? emily
29. Favorite boy's name? travis (you steal it and I'll cry)
30. What's in your pocket right now? nothing- i don't think...I'll have to check
31. Last thing that made you laugh? Playing with my friend's two foster daughters
32. Best bed sheets as a child? they were rosy pink (like everything in my room) and so so soft, of course they were so worn out you could almost see through them
33. Worst injury you've ever had? does salmonella poisoning count?? b/c Id really hate to say a bike wreck
34. Do you love where you live? Yes- both places
35. How many TV's do you have in your house? 1
36. Who is your loudest friend? would have to agree with karen and say melba
37. How many dogs do you have? no pets, just a little brother
38. Does someone have a crush on you? doubtful, but it would be nice
39. What is your favorite book? do i have to choose just one?
40. What is your favorite candy? just plain chocolate- Hershey's or better - yes I am a chocolate snob
41. What is your favorite sports team? UGA dawgs...go dawgs
42. What song do you want played at your funeral? Something happy..maybe better than ezra, or