Wednesday, May 13, 2009

busy weekend

brad after graduation- yeah my pics are backwards...

after the 45min processional...all 4500-4800 grads were filed in...

before graduation photo antics

the historical arch photo, with the arch cut off

brad and grandmother and his graduation quilt ( and i helped)

mother's day photo op- why im standing like im deformed Im not quite sure...

so finally an update

okay so im a little embarassed that i missed the whole month of april but its been a heck of a month and here is the update in pictures...although totally out of
dad cutting chia pet yard: chia pet yard:

car rolling over 20,000 miles:

Me (no not the cow) trying my hand at being artistic at my grandmother's house:

austic again:

i love the trees at her house, obviously:

sorry about not fliping them ...ya'll will be over for dinner soon and I cant figure it out!

slightly possesed butch walker from my infamous rock and roll weekend:
butch again- i just picked2...there are like 150:

guitar picks that beth and I caught at the BTE concert in birmingham....the other half of the rock and roll weekend: boyfriend...also known as the singer for better than ezra:

"come on baby shake it all night long..."

and again i narrowed it down from many: